Friday, November 7, 2014

403 Forbidden Error

Hello there!

In this article, I'll talk about 403 Forbidden Error for web sites.

403 Forbidden Error

Actually, solving this error is really easy. So, imagine that if you've got a server and a FTP account, you can put your files on to publish. In this case, you may know which files have been visited by your visitors in your site. But they cannot access them somehow. That may be following reasons:

  • You don't have any INDEX file on the root directory. For example index.html, index.php or default.php. If you cannot solve this, just do it:

  • Just write following codes on your Linux Console:
  • $. chmod +x /[path]/

Finally, you have forgetten to put your INDEX file on the FTP or should change permissions as executable.

See you later!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Javascript and Fuzuli Integration

JFuzuli, the Java implementation of Fuzuli Programming Language now supports limited Javascript integration.

JFuzuli currently supports passing Fuzuli variables to Javascript environment, passing Javascript variables to Fuzuli environment, embedding Javascript code in any part of a Fuzuli source code.

The full support is planned to have ability of calling Fuzuli functions directly from within Javascript.

Here is the examples. This is the simplest one to demonstrate the basic usage of Javascript support:

In the example above, the variable a is set to 10 in Fuzuli part, is incremented by 1 in Javascript part and is printed in the Fuzuli part again. After all, value of a is 11.

In the example above, the variable message is first defined in Javascript section and was null in Fuzuli section at the top. And also, it is clear that the variable message is defined using the var keyword in Javascript section. After all, at the Fuzuli section, message is printed with its value which was set in Javascript section.

The example above is more interesting as it has a function which is written in Fuzuli language, but the function has its body written in Javascript! In this example, square function has a single parameter x. x is then passed to Javascript body and the result is calculated. Value of result is then returned in Fuzuli. At the end, the Fuzuli function call  (square 5) simply returns 25 which is calculated by Javascript.

Passing Arrays 

Because the list object in Fuzuli is simply a java.util.ArrayList, all public fields and methods of ArrayList are directly accessable in Javascript section. Look at the example below. In this example a list object is created with values 1,2 and 3, respectively. In Javascript section, the values of this object is cleaned first and then 10 and 20 are added to the list. Finally, in the Fuzuli section, object is printed only with values 10 and 20.

List objects can be created directly in Javascript section. Look at the example below. Since JFuzuli interpreter uses the javax.scripting framework, a Java object can be created with new keyword. The variable a is a list object in Fuzuli section again and the printed output includes two values of 10 and 20.

You can try similar examples using our online interpreter in url

Hope you get fun with Fuzuli...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Passing Fuzuli Expressions to Functions

Fuzuli Programming Language has many features borrowed from many popular languages such as C and Java as well as Lisp and Scheme.

It is known that a function pointer can be passed to a function in C and C++, whereas, we must declare the structure of a function using interfaces for doing same job in Java.

In Fuzuli, a Fuzuli source code can be directly passed to a function. This feature allows us to create generic functions easly. Let's show it using an example.

The code below creates four expressions that sum, subtract, product and divide two numbers, respectively.

(let expr1 (expression (+ a b)))
(let expr2 (expression (- a b)))
(let expr3 (expression (* a b)))
(let expr4 (expression (/ a b)))

The expression directive defines a runnable code using the directive eval as we will see later. Let's define a generic function that changes its behaviour respect to a expression parameter:

(function generic_function (params e x y)
   (let a x)
   (let b y)
   (return (eval e))

The function generic_function takes three parameters. The first one defines the real action. x and y are parameters that will be passed to expression later. Let's call this generic function using previously defined expressions:

(let enter "\n")
(let x1 15)(let x2 5)
(print "x1=" x1 ", x2=" x2 enter)
(print "+ : " (generic_function expr1 x1 x2) enter)
(print "- : " (generic_function expr2 x1 x2) enter)
(print "* : " (generic_function expr3 x1 x2) enter)
(print "/ : " (generic_function expr4 x1 x2) enter)

In first line we define the enter variable for printing output with line feed. In second line, we set x1 to 15 and x2 to 5. In third line, we are reporting the values of these variables.

The whole story lies at last four lines. In line four, we are calling the function generic_function using the predefined summation expression. In the next line, the same function is called using a different expression which calculates x1 - x2 . As it is clear to see that, last two lines calls the same generic function using two different expressions for getting the product and division of two numbers, respectively.

The output is :

x1=15.0, x2=5.0
+ : 20.0       
- : 10.0       
* : 75.0       
/ : 3.0        

Happy readings...


You can try this code using the online interpreter:
or you can download the JFuzuli Editor:

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fuzuli Programming Language and Editor

Our programming language, Fuzuli, now has a new interpreter written in Java which is officially called JFuzuli.

You can try it online at site

We also get our first JFuzuli Editor ready for downloading at

Please feel free and do not hesisate to share your thoughts about the language and the interpreter.

You can also visit the Facebook page which is aimed to inform Turkish users using the address

Monday, June 16, 2014

RCaller 2.4 has just been released

Rcaller turtle The key properties of this release:
  • Added deleteTempFiles() method in class RCaller for deleting temporary files that are created by RCaller at any time. 
  • runiversal.r is now more compact
  • StopRCallerOnline() method in class RCaller now stops the R instances in the memory which are created in runAndReturnResultOnline(). Click to see the example for RCaller.stopRCallerOnline() method.
The next release 2.5 will be submitted in 15th July 2014.

Get informed using the formal blog

 Download page:

 Source code:

 Home page:

 Journal Documentation:

Friday, June 13, 2014

R GUI written in Java using RCaller

This video demonstrates how the Java version of R GUI based on RCaller is now faster after the speed improvements. This simple gui is available in the source tree. Typed commands are passed to R using the online call mechanism of RCaller and there is a single active R process at the background. 

Please follow the rcaller label in this blog site to achive latest RCaller news, updates, examples and other materials. 

Have a nice watching!

Scholarly papers, projects and thesis that cite RCaller

paperRCaller is now in its 4th year with its version of 2.3 and it is considerable mature now. It is used in many commercial projects as well as scholarly papers and thesis. Here is the list of scholarly papers, projects and thesis that I stumbled upon in Google Scholar.  

  • Niya Wang, Fan Meng, Li Chen, Subha Madhavan, Robert Clarke, Eric P. Hoffman, Jianhua Xuan, and Yue Wang. 2013. The CAM software for nonnegative blind source separation in R-Java. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 14, 1 (January 2013), 2899-2903.
  • Meng, Fan. Design and Implementation of Convex Analysis of Mixtures Software Suite, Master's Thesis, 2012. Abstract: Various convex analysis of mixtures (CAM) based algorithms have been developed to address real world blind source separation (BSS) problems and proven to have good performances in previous papers. This thesis reported the implementation of a comprehensive software CAM-Java, which contains three different CAM based algorithms, CAM compartment modeling (CAM-CM), CAM non-negative independent component analysis (CAM-nICA), and CAM non-negative well-grounded component analysis (CAM-nWCA). The implementation works include: translation of MATLAB coded algorithms to open-sourced R alternatives. As well as building a user friendly graphic user interface (GUI) to integrate three algorithms together, which is accomplished by adopting Java Swing API.In order to combine R and Java coded modules, an open-sourced project RCaller is used to handle the establishment of low level connection between R and Java environment. In addition, specific R scripts and Java classes are also implemented to accomplish the tasks of passing parameters and input data from Java to R, run R scripts in Java environment, read R results back to Java, display R generated figures, and so on. Furthermore, system stream redirection and multi-threads techniques are used to build a simple R messages displaying window in Java built GUI.The final version of the software runs smoothly and stable, and the CAM-CM results on both simulated and real DCE-MRI data are quite close to the original MATLAB version algorithms. The whole GUI based open-sourced software is easy to use, and can be freely distributed among the communities. Technical details in both R and Java modules implementation are also discussed, which presents some good examples of how to develop software with both complicate and up to date algorithms, as well as decent and user friendly GUI in the scientific or engineering research fields.
  • Emanuel Gonçalves, Julio Saez-Rodriguez. Cyrface: An interface from Cytoscape to R that provides a user interface to R packages, F1000Research 2013, 2:192 Last updated: 20 JAN 2014,

Monday, June 9, 2014

WhatsApp update 2.11.238

WhatsApp, the mobile application that is widely used all around the world, is increasing its number of users with its new abilities, especially after Facebook had bought it.

After the last update, 2.11.238, the new WhatsApp has these properties:

  • Set alerts to show/hide/silent in group messages.
  • Slovene and Azerbaijan language support.
  • Removed bugs on voice messages.
  • Option for deleting additional files when deleting messages.
  • An icon with the number of unread messages on it added to main screen for Samsung devices.

New Documentation for RCaller

As a new documentation and brief introduction, the research paper "RCaller: A Software Library for Calling R from Java" has just been published in the scholarly journal "British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science".

The aim and the motivation underlying this paper is to give a brief introduction to RCaller, how to use it in relatively small projects by means of calling R scripts and commands from Java, generating plots and images, running commands online and converting and sending plain Java objects to R.

Other two important projects, rJava and Rserve, are compared to RCaller by means of time efficiency. As a result of this, it is shown that, rJava and Rserve outperforms the RCaller in time complexity, but RCaller seems to be easier to learn and requires less setting-up effort.

The paper is freely available for downloading at

and the author's page is .

Have a nice read!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Release: RCaller 2.3.0

New version of RCaller has just been uploaded in the Google Drive repository.

The new version includes basic bug fixes, new test files and speed enhancements.

XML file structure is now smaller in size and this makes RCaller a little bit faster than the older versions.

The most important issue in this release is the method

public int[] getDimensions(String name)

which reports the dimensions of a given object with 'name'. Here is an example:

int n = 21;
        int m = 23;
        double[][] data = new double[n][m];
        for (int i=0;i<data.length;i++){
            for (int j=0;j<data[0].length;j++){
                data[i][j] = Math.random();
        RCaller caller = new RCaller();
        RCode code = new RCode();
        code.addDoubleMatrix("x", data);
        int[] mydim = caller.getParser().getDimensions("x");
        Assert.assertEquals(n, mydim[0]);
        Assert.assertEquals(m, mydim[1]);

In the code above, a matrix with dimensions 21 and 23 is passed to R and got back to Java. The variable mydim holds the number of rows and columns and they are as expected as 21 and 23.

Please use the download link

to access compiled jar files of RCaller.

Good luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Only Numeric Values ​​in Form Fields With JavaScript

Hi everyone! 

We use form fields almost in every web project. This fields often are different. For example, password field's type is password, text's type textfield. If you want users to sign up, you should develop e-mail fields on it. so, you have to confirm values of e-mail fields. In this article, we will create a textfield for only numeric values.
First, we create HTML form:

input name="" type="text" onChange="isNumeric(this)"

The code given above is a textfield in the HTML file. As you have seen, there is a onChange function, isNumeric. Let's do this JavaScript function:
function isNumeric(v) {
    var isNum = /^[0-9-'.']*$/;
    if (!isNum.test(v.value)) {
        alert('Only Numeric Values Dude!');
        v.value = v.value.replace(/[^0-9-'.']/g,"");

When you run this page, you will see an alert on the screen if you write some string values.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Word Cloud Generation Using Google Webmaster Tools Data and R

In this blog entry, we generate a word cloud graphics of our blog, stdioe, using the keyword data in Google Webmaster Tools. In webmaster tools site, when you follow

Google Index -> Content keyword

you get the keywords with their frequencies. This data set can be saved in csv format using the button "Download this table".

The csv data for our blog was like this:

One can load this file and generate a word cloud graphics using R, and our code is shown below:

mydata <- read.csv("data.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE)
png("stdioe_cloud.png",width=1024, height=768)
wordcloud(words=mydata$Keyword, freq=mydata$Occurrences,scale=c(10,1))

The generated output is:

Here is the stdioe's search query keywords cloud:

Monday, April 21, 2014

How to Install and Use The TinyMCE Editor

Hi! TinyMCE is an advanced text editor for web project. It looks like Microsoft Office Word tools. Additionally The TinyMCE is the most popular advanced text editor in the world. In this article, we are going to download this editor and do an example.
You can download it from the official web site. Recent version 4.0.21: TinyMCE. If you want to try online how to work on this, you can see this page: Try Online
After downloading, just create a form.html HTML file given below and work on any internet browser:
We try on it and:
We can set editor preferences up. What we need is tinymce.init. For example, let's set width and height of the textarea element:
    width: 800,
    height: 500,
    selector: "textarea"
I advise you to use TinyMCE like this:
    width: 800,
    height: 500,
    selector: "textarea",
    theme: "modern",
    plugins: [
        "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak",
        "searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen",
        "insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality",
        "emoticons template paste textcolor moxiemanager"
    toolbar1: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image",
    toolbar2: "print preview media | forecolor backcolor emoticons | sizeselect | bold italic | fontselect |  fontsizeselect",
    image_advtab: true,

Matrix Inversion with RCaller 2.2

Here is the example of passing a double[][] matrix from Java to R, making R calculate the inverse of this matrix and handling the result in Java. Note that code is current for 2.2 version of RCaller.

RCaller caller = new RCaller(); 

RCode code = new RCode(); 
double[][] matrix = new double[][]{{6, 4}, {9, 8}};

code.addDoubleMatrix("x", matrix); 
code.addRCode("s<-solve font="" x="">); 



double[][] inverse = caller.getParser().getAsDoubleMatrix("s"
                                       matrix.length, matrix[0].length); 
for (int i = 0; i < inverse.length; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < inverse[0].length; j++) {
        System.out.print( inverse[i][j] + " ");

Fuzuli for Java Online Interpreter

JFuzuli, Java version of Fuzuli interpreter, is now the main implementation of Fuzuli Programming Language. There is always a gossip on the efficiency of C and C++ over Java and people who starts to writing computer programs are encouraged to make a decision between them but not the Java. However, when you don't do things correctly, C and C++ are the worst programming languages in means of efficiency. Allocating memory and garbage collection are important issues and should be handled by user or other third party libraries but not by the language itself. As not being a computer scientist, my both C++ and Java codes include algorithmic errors and my Java codes run faster than the code written in C++. I can confess that is my fault! But it is not false to say that a big portion of programmers does not either write the correct code and their C++ code does not reach its maximum efficiency. Finally, our Java implementation is faster than the C++ version.

Lets try our online interpreter! Fuzuli is a little bit Lisp, Scheme, C and Java! Try it, learn it and join the development team. The link for the online interpreter is

The screenshot of the online algorithm is given below.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hello world application with Google Dart

Google Dart

Dart is a new programming language developed by Google, which has a similar syntax with Java and Javascript. Dart is targeted directly for the web, however, console based applications can also be written as well as it is compilable into Javascript. Google's web browser Chromium is able to run Dart codes directly but there is not an available add-on for other browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer. Dart SDK supports compiling Dart to Javascript, that is, any browser will run Dart code without knowing that the original code is written Dart. The community will determine whether the language will be a standard for web based application, instead using Javascript.

In this blog entry, we will show writing a basic Dart Web Application which can be considered as a "Hello World" but it is a little bit complicated. This application will create a textbox and a button. When user writes her name and after clicks the button, the program pop ups a message box.

When a new application is created in Dart Editor, you will see something like this:

Lets change the html file. Put a textbox and command button:

Clear the Dart Code:

Fill main method. Here we handle the input element using variable name. name.onclick.listen method defines
the event handler.

Complete the code

In the screen capture above, name and say are global variables and they are defined at the top of the code. They are accessable in both main() and button_click(). The body of the method button_click() is such like its counterparts written in both Java or Javascript. Lets run the code:

Have a nice read!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Beautiful Graphics of Flightgear 3

Here is the some screen captures of my last flight on Flightgear 3.0.
Flightgear is an open source flight simulator game which is mainly compiled for Windows, Linux and Macintosh. It is free and avaliable for downloading at site Flightgear Official Web Site