Showing posts with label android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

Zubote Multiplayer Android Game is Available Now On Google Play Store!

Zubote is a free turn-based strategy game that all of us have played with our friends on paper before.
Zubote, which you can play with Single and Multiplayer options, has a grid structure consisting of 24 squares in general. The dots draw lines and the lines form squares. At the end of the game, the person with the most number of squares becomes the winner of the game.
If you got the star in the game, you will have a great advantage in winning the game. In addition, surprising points in the question mark, you can give the game, can also cause a great frustration, if you got it. In other words, everyone in Zubote can win the game at any moment.
Zubote offers the following features to players:
-Single player mode option gives you the possibility to practice against Android,
-Multi player mode option allows you to play in real time with someone who is randomly online, whether you are with your own friends. Just play with your friends or other people from all over the world,
-For your success, badges allow you to identify your rankings online,
-Leaderboards and Achievements integration,
-You can add people as friend during the game and can see your friend list,
-Modern design,
-Share your memories with friends on social platforms via Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Email and SMS,
-Free download and easy to play.

You can download this game from here: Zubote Multiplayer

If you find any problems with Zubote, do not hesitate to contact us for your requests and opinions or to share with us any other comments about Zubote.
Enjoy the game!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Android Device Information Tool Application

Hello! I would like to share an Android application that can be used as a tool.

The application provides information about software of your Android device. You can find out:

-Device name
-Device ID
-Android version
-Device product
-Device manufacturer
-Device brand
-Device version
-Device host
-Device model
-Device user
-Device hardware
-Device radio version
-Device serial number
-Device finger print

If you need informations given above, you can download it from this URL.

Android Device Info App!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fuzuli Android Application and Online Interpreter

We have just released the online interpreter and the Android application of Fuzuli, our programming language and interpreter.

You can simply run your Fuzuli programs using the site Fuzuli Online Interpreter. You will see a small hello world program. Since it only writes the "Hello world" string on the screen, it is not really relevant but makes sense. Every single programming language has its own Hello world! Type your program after deleting classical hello world program then click the RUN button. If your program is correct, you will see the output of your program at the bottom of the code. The other option for using our online interpreter is to download and install the Android application. You can download and install Fuzuli Online Interpreter for Android here. The file you will have found is ready to download and install. Do not forget to uninstall older versions if you have already installed one.

Have fun with Fuzuli!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to Change Main/Start Screen on Android?

Hello! As you known, there is nothing to say about developing  and progressive Android all around the world. In this situation, we can find any idea to make application. Actually, this is not so easy :) Namely what I am trying to say is that Android provides us to create applications and be a developer in mobile world.

I am sure that most of us have played a game via our mobile phones. Things I said above were for any application actually. Because, games, software about educations, politics, health education, voluntariness, etc applications  allow Android skills.

If you want to create an application to be used by everyone (this is very assertive :) ), you have to be different than other apps. This difference should be about design, software or your idea. 

In this article, I'll show you some codes about tiny difference, "starting page" on your Android application.

I want to tell you about my mind. Users download your app and install it on the phone. The next step will be starting your application. This step is so important. Because, people who use the app decide how good the app is. For that reason, how to start the app should be very important for us. In this context, I can start to code about this.

I've got two classes: and

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Thread MyScreen = new Thread() {
         public void run() {
          try {
           startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),startingPage.class));
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          finally {

The code given above is the first page will be opened on the app. Thread "MyScreen" helps to go another page. When the app opened, wait 5 second and go to the startingPage.class. startingPage.class includes startingPagexml.xml Android Xml file. This file calls the page after 5 seconds.

public class acilis2 extends Activity {

 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to My Application", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Toast.makeText(this, "Welcome to My Application", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

This code introduces how to give user message after 5 second. If you want to see and learn more information about Toast notification, you can visit android developer official guide in here.

See you next article!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Connect SQLite Database in Android & A Simple App: "Accessing Data With Android Cursors"

Hi Everyone! I'd showed you how to do an application on Android in the last article. This one is going to be about connection SQLite database and access data with cursors.

If you want to use your data or something else, should connect a database. Using SQLite on Android is so simple. There are so much SQLite Editor but I will use Firefox SQLite Manager in this article. For that, first open your Firefox Browser, then download SQLite Manager and as result go this directory: Tools/SQLite Manager. After that, you can range database. 

And now, it's time to ready our files we use to. Just follow this directories:

1- src/
2- src/
3- layout/data.xml

We need "" file, that's why is gotta a table on database. If you want to add something, I must have a database. Now, code file.
package database.connection;

import android.content.Context;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;

public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
 private static final String MYDATABASE = "names";
 private static final int VERSION = 1;

 public Database(Context connection) {
  super(connection, MYDATABASE, null, VERSION);

 public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

 public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int arg1, int arg2) {
  db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXIST mynames");

So, we've just created a database, as called MYDATABASE. Table's name is "names". There are two fields on it: "id and name". As you know that is all about SQL. If you know SQL, you can get it easily. id field is an integer piece of table. The other one is a text field.

We'got a database and a table of this. The form we can add data is what we need exactly. For that, gotta compose a Android XML File. This file will have a textfield widget and a button widget, that's it! Let's do data.xml file!



If you want, just look what we got up right now. We created a database, a table of this database and form widgets. I can add a data after make this platform up:) Let's do our platform: file
package database.connection;
//Those are included by the system 
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class DataBaseActivity extends Activity {
    private DB names;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        setContentView(; //including layout/data.xml file
        names = new DB(this);
        final EditText name=(EditText) findViewById(;
        Button senddata=(Button) findViewById(;
        senddata.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                     Cursor cursor = ShowDATA();
    private void AddDATA(String ResultName){

    SQLiteDatabase db = names.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues datas = new ContentValues();
    datas.put("name", ResultName);
    db.insertOrThrow("ournames", null, datas);

    private String[] SELECT = {"id", "name"};

    private Cursor ShowDATA(){
    SQLiteDatabase db = names.getReadableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.query("ournames", SELECT, null, null, null, null, null);

    return cursor;

    private void ShowDATA(Cursor cursor){
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("RESULTS!:\n");


        String whatthenameis = cursor.getString((cursor.getColumnIndex("name")));

        TextView text = (TextView)findViewById(;
Generally, coder need to use a database, while saving data. We use SQLite Database on Android'cuz it's simple. Here, SQL is as you know before. "SELECT" command using also. By the way, if you want to check your db file out, just go this directory on Eclipse: file explorer/data/[your project name]/database
Write Something
That's it! We can add and save our datas, through SQLite Database on Android.
When you write something and click button, data will been saved and can show it on the screen. We'll you guys next article!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Developing a Basic Application on Android: "Welcome Page"

Hi Everyone! Today, I'll show you an Android application which is about welcome pages. As known, before when opened an app, game, web site, DVD movie, etc, a welcome page has shown us by masters of'em. That's why is showing what the brand is. For example, Angry Birds, EA Games, Microsoft Games.

This article is going to be a basic application like "Hello World!". But Before we'll be on welcome page and see the welcome message on it. Let's see how to do it!

Necessary equipment (Install all of them)
  1. Eclipse Editor
  2. SDK (Software Development Kid)
  3. Android: WindowsLinuxMac
First, open the Eclipse editor, then follow this directory: File/New/Project/Android/Android Project
My Project Name : WelcomePage
My Android Version : V2.2
My Package Name :
You can fix this properties as you wish.

I think, you know how to do an "hello world" app on Android, so I won't explain this. The important thing of the app for me is relationship of Activities and Threads. For those, we're going to do this pages:
src/WelcomePageActivity.class //This is a default file
res/layout/main.xml //This is also a default file
AndroidManifest.xml //This is configuration file
Create a class file: 
  1. directory: src/(Right Click)New/Class
  2. call: WelcomePage
  3. Click the "Finish" Button
Code for

import android.os.Bundle;

public class WelcomePage extends Activity { //Created WelcomePage Activity
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  setContentView(R.layout.main); //The content to display from main.xml

The "R" is a library which used for xml files. Every xml file can used on it. We'd just used main.xml file for we need to go home page of our Android app after showing welcome page.

Create a xml file:
  1. directory: res/layout/(Right Click)Other/File/Android/Android Xml File
  2. call: page2
  3. Click the "Finish" Button
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:text="This is a welcome page!" />


When we look at this page up, should see like that:
page2.xml file view
Create file

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class WelcomePageActivity extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        setContentView(R.layout.page2); //The content to display from page2.xml file
        Thread WelcomeScreen = new Thread() { //Must create a thread, because opening another page is a different event, as sync
         public void run() {
          try { //This is try-catch
           sleep(5000); //Waiting five seconds
           startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),WelcomePage.class)); 
           //After waiting, shown the content from file
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          finally {
           finish(); //We finish this thread.
        WelcomeScreen.start(); //Starting the thread created.

Maybe, you may not get the line, 
"startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),WelcomePage.class));". 
Just remember that we used main.xml content to get on page.

And the last one we have to do, update AndroidManifest.xml file! Remember that we create a new Activity, so must define this Activity. For that reason, just add this code to AndroidManifest.xml file:
And yes, finished! Let's work this on our Emulator! For this, call: 

WelcomePage Project(Right Click)/Run as/Android Project

Welcome page view
After 5 seconds this page, we will see main.xml file:

main.xml file on my application
We'll see you guys next article!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Adhoc networking support on Android Froyo

In my summer holiday, i bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab Wifi only device. It was a really happy night because i had a chance to test my new android based applications. I also needed a PDF reader because i like to read books and articles when i travel from home to work. Finally, it was a nice toy for a 30+ computer geek.

The toy was nice, fast, customizable. Browsing the web is reasonable. I think, i had not got a problem with the device itself. My problem was about the Android software.

My wife has an IPhone 4 and first, i used to connect my Galaxy Tab with IPhone 4 with the functionality of iOS's infrastructure network. But there was a problem with my Nokia E72. I downloaded the JoikuSpot Lite version from OVI Store and it turned my Nokia E72 into an ad hoc access point. My wife's IPhone 4 successfuly  connected to my Nokia E72 but Galaxy Tab didn't see it in WiFi scanner.

There are lots of different solutions based on replacing the wpa_supplication dynamic library, modifying the configuration files etc.. Those files are stored in the system folders, so you have to make your device rooted or you have to connect your device with 'adb' thing which is stored in the Android SDK (under folder platform_tools).

I do not want to struggle with those things. I want my device to connect to my E72 easly.  I heard that, there is no reason my Samsung Galaxy Tab not to support adhoc networking, it is the failure of Android!.

Finally, i am disappointed...

I am not alone with this, too many people want Android to support adhoc.
This is the willings: