Well, I will introduce how to get contents of element in this article. That's why I'll show you the sample given belown.
For my example, I got two files here:
- GetContent.php
- test.html
<?php $content="test.html"; $source=new DOMdocument(); $source->loadHTMLFile($content); $path=new DOMXpath($source); $dom=$path->query("*/div[@id='test']"); if (!$dom==0) { foreach ($dom as $dom) { print "<br>The Type of the element is: ". $dom->nodeName. "<br><b><pre><code>"; $getContent = $dom->childNodes; foreach ($getContent as $attr) { print $attr->nodeValue. "</code></pre></b>"; } } } ?>
<div id="test">This is my content</div>
What we have just seen up there, should be like on this demo page.
The Type of the element is: div This is my content
The result is the text above. We'll see you guys next article!