Sunday, August 30, 2015

Overloading Constructor in Python Classes

In Python, the constructor __init__ can not be overloaded. If you are a Java or C++ programmer, you probably used this facility before because even the standard libraries of these languages use function overloading.

Altough the language does not support constructor overloading, we can follow the factory design pattern for using multiple constructors in Python. In factory design pattern, we define static class members that create new instances with given parameters. In Python, if a function labeled with a @classmethod, then this function belongs to the class rather than an object. This is the same as the static methods in Java.

Now think that we want to write a Python class with three constructors. In first constructor we want to set param1 to a specific value and others to zero. In second constructor we want to set param2 to a specific value and others to zero and goes on.

 class Clazz:  
   def __init__(self):  
     "please use create1, create2 or create3"  
   def create1(cls, param1):  
     c = Clazz()  
     c.param1 = param1  
     c.param2 = 0  
     c.param3 = 0  
     return c  
   def create2(cls, param2):  
     c = Clazz()  
     c.param1 = 0  
     c.param2 = param2  
     c.param3 = 0  
     return c  
   def create3(cls,param3):  
     c = Clazz()  
     c.param1 = 0  
     c.param2 = 0  
     c.param3 = param3  
     return c  
   def dump(self):  
     print("Param1 = %d, Param2 = %d, Param3 = %d" %  

Of course we don't need to set other parameters to zero in all static methods. Lets get the code more compact:

 class Clazz:  
   param1 = 0  
   param2 = 0  
   param3 = 0  
   def __init__(self):  
     "please use create1, create2 or create3"  
   def create1(cls, param1):  
     c = Clazz()  
     c.param1 = param1  
     return c  
   def create2(cls, param2):  
     c = Clazz()  
     c.param2 = param2  
     return c  
   def create3(cls,param3):  
     c = Clazz()  
     c.param3 = param3  
     return c  
   def dump(self):  
     print("Param1 = %d, Param2 = %d, Param3 = %d" %  

And now, we can instantiate some objects from this class using different factory methods:

 myc1 = Clazz.create1(5)  
 myc2 = Clazz.create2(10)  
 myc3 = Clazz.create3(50)  
 myc4 = Clazz()  

myc1 calls the first static factory method. As it is expected, only the value of the first parameter is changed. Following methods sets the other parameters only. The output is

 Param1 = 5, Param2 = 0, Param3 = 0  
 Param1 = 0, Param2 = 10, Param3 = 0  
 Param1 = 0, Param2 = 0, Param3 = 50  
 Param1 = 0, Param2 = 0, Param3 = 0  

As we seen at the last line of the output, the object myc4 is created using the __init__constructor and all the parameters have value of zero.

Hope you get fun!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lisp for the C++ programmer: Numerical Integration

In the series of Lisp for the C++ programmer, we present some Common Lisp examples in a way similar to examples which are written in C++ or some other languages belong the same family tree of C++.

Here is the example of Riemann sum in Common Lisp. We first define a function f which takes a single parameter x and the function y = f(x) = x, for simplicity. We will change this function later. It is known that integration of this function from 0 to 1 is 0.50.

Common Lisp code for numerical integration (approximatly result) is:

 (defun f (x)  
 (defun integrate (f start stop)  
     (setq epsilon 0.0001)  
     (setq sum 0.0)  
     (loop for i from start to stop by epsilon do  
         (setq sum (+ sum (* (funcall f i) epsilon)))  
 (print (integrate 'f 0 1))  

The result is 0.4999532. Now we can use a more complex function, for example a normal distribution function with zero mean and unit variance. This function can be defined in Common Lisp as

 (defun normal (x)  
     (setq a (* (/ 1 (sqrt (* 2 3.141592))) (exp (* -0.5 (* x x)))))  
 (defun integrate (f start stop)  
     (setq epsilon 0.0001)  
     (setq sum 0.0)  
     (loop for i from start to stop by epsilon do  
         (setq sum (+ sum (* (funcall f i) epsilon)))  
 (print (integrate 'normal -1 1))  

In the code above, as it can clearly be seen, we integrate the standard normal distribution from -1 to 1 and the result is 0.6826645.

Lisp for the C++ programmer: Changing an element of a list

Here is the example of changing an element of a Common Lisp List and its equivalent code in C++ typed as List comment.

 ; #include <cstdlib>  
 ; #include <cstdio>  
 ; int main(){  
 ;    double *d = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * 3);  
 ;    d[0] = 1;  
 ;    d[1] = 2;  
 ;    d[2] = 4;  
 ;    puts("Current List:");  
 ;    printf("%f %f %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]);  
 ;    puts("New List:");  
 ;    d[0] = 100;  
 ;    printf("%f %f %f\n", d[0], d[1], d[2]);  
 ;    return(0);  
 (setq aList (list 1 2 3))  
 (print "Current List:")  
 (print aList)  
 (setf (elt aList 0) 100)  
 (print "New List:")  
 (print aList)  

Lisp for the C++ programmer: for loop

Here is the example of for loop. Equivalent C++ code is commented on the top the Common Lisp code as comments.

 ; for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++){  
 ;    printf("%f\n", i);  
 ;    printf("%f\n", i * 2);  
 ; }  
 (loop for i from 0 to 10  
         (print i)  
         (print (* i 2))  

Lisp for the C++ programmer: Function definitions and function calls

Here is the simple Common Lisp example, in which a sum and an ArithmaticMean functions defined. Both C++ and Common Lisp code here calculate the arithmetic mean of 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 which is 3.5. C++ code is commented as in the Common Lisp file.

 ; double sum (double *d, int len){  
 ;    double mysum = 0.0;  
 ;    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){  
 ;        mysum += d[i];  
 ;    }  
 ;    return(mysum);  
 ; }  
 ; double ArithmeticMean (double *d, int len){  
 ;    return ( sum(d) / len );  
 ; }  
 ; int main(){  
 ;    double *mylist = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * 6);  
 ;    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){  
 ;        d[i] = (double)i;  
 ;    }  
 ;    printf("%f\n", ArithmeticMean(d, 6);  
 ;    return(0); 
 ; }  
 (defun sum (aList)  
     (setq mysum 0.0)  
     (dotimes (i (length aList))  
         (setq mysum (+ mysum (nth i aList )))  
 (defun ArithmeticMean (aList)  
     (/ (sum aList) (length aList))  
 (print (ArithmeticMean '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))  

Lisp for the C++ programmer: cond expression

Here is the example for the cond expression of Common Lisp and its C++ equivalent.

 ; int x = 10;  
 ; if (x < 10) {  
 ;    puts("x is smaller than 10");  
 ; } else if (x > 10){  
 ;    puts("x is bigger than 10");  
 ; } else if (x == 10){  
 ;    puts("x equals to 10"));  
 ; }  
 (setq x 10)  
     ((< x 10) (print "x is smaller than 10"))  
     ((> x 10) (print "x is bigger than 10"))  
     ((= x 10) (print "x equals to 10"))  