Saturday, March 14, 2015

SQLite with R - The sqldf package

R 's data sorting functions sort and order, the data filtering function which, vector accessing operators [], vector and matrix manipulation functions cbind and rbind, and other functions and keywords make data analysis easy in much situations. SQL (Structered Querying Language) is used for storing, adding, removing, sorting and filtering the data in which saved on a disk permenantly or memory.

The R package sqldf builds a SQLite database using an R data.frame object. A data.frame is a matrix with richer properties in R.  In this blog post, we present a basic introduction of sqldf package and its use in R.

First of all, the package can be installed by typing:

> install.packages("dftable")

After installing the package, it can be got ready to use by typing:

> require("dftable")
Loading required package: sqldf
Loading required package: gsubfn
Loading required package: proto
Loading required package: RSQLite
Loading required package: DBI

Now lets create two vectors with length of 100:

> assign("x", rnorm(100))
> assign("y", rnorm(100))
> assign("mydata",,y)))

We can see first 6 rows:

> head(mydata)
           x         y
1 -1.9357660 0.2784369
2 -0.6976428 1.4646022
3  0.1913628 0.1578977
4  0.3049607 0.6055087
5  2.3773249 1.1800434
6  0.4641791 1.7143130

Let's perform some SQL statements on this data frame using sqldf

Averages of x and y

> sqldf("select avg(x), avg(y) from mydata")
     avg(x)   avg(y)
1 0.0790934 0.220756

Number of cases

> sqldf("select count(x), count(y) from mydata")
  count(x) count(y)
1      100      100

First Three Cases

> sqldf("select x,y from mydata limit 3")
           x         y
1 -1.9357660 0.2784369
2 -0.6976428 1.4646022
3  0.1913628 0.1578977

Minimum and Maximum Values

> sqldf("select min(x),max(x),min(y),max(y) from mydata")
     min(x)   max(x)   min(y)   max(y)
1 -2.155768 2.377325 -1.75477 2.531869

First 3 Cases of Ordered Data

> sqldf("select x,y from mydata order by x limit 3")
          x         y
1 -2.155768 0.6614813
2 -1.935766 0.2784369
3 -1.837502 0.1073177
> sqldf("select x,y from mydata order by y limit 3")
          x         y
1 0.7665811 -1.754770
2 0.3373319 -1.736727
3 0.6199159 -1.335649

Insert into 

dftable does not alter the data frame. After inserting a new case, a new data.frame is created and returned. In the example below, sqldf takes a vector of two sql statements as parameters and the result is in accessable with the name main.mydata rather than mydata

> tail (sqldf( 
+ c(
+ "insert into mydata values (6,7)"
+ ,
+ "select * from main.mydata"
+ )
+ )
+ )
              x          y
96   1.58024523  1.3937920
97  -1.79352203  0.2105787
98   0.02632872 -1.0567890
99  -0.60934162 -0.1359667
100  1.43393159 -0.9396326
101  6.00000000  7.0000000


> sqldf( 
+ c(
+ "delete from mydata where x < 0 or y < 0"
+ ,
+ "select * from main.mydata"
+ )
+ )
            x          y
1  0.19136277 0.15789771
2  0.30496074 0.60550873
3  2.37732485 1.18004342
4  0.46417906 1.71431305
5  1.16290585 1.17154756
6  0.49335335 0.19904607
7  1.45769371 0.08291387
8  0.78473338 1.07769098
9  0.69043300 1.35040512
10 1.47893118 1.01057351

Have a nice read!

Handling all variables in a workspace in R with RCaller

It is known that the R assigns a value to a variable name by using the Assignment Symbol <- which corresponds to assign function.

RCaller handles results as list objects. Since R environments are list s, they can easily be converted to R lists (Visit the previous blog post on R list here).

Here is an example of RCaller on getting all variables that are created in the run time in R side.

package rcallerenvironments;

import rcaller.RCaller;
import rcaller.RCode;

public class RCallerEnvironments {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        RCaller rcaller = new RCaller();
        RCode code = new RCode();

        code.addRCode("a <- 3");
        code.addRCode("b <- 10.45");
        code.addRCode("d <- TRUE");
        code.addRCode("avector <- c(9,6,5,6)");
        code.addRCode("allvars <- as.list(globalenv())");



        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error in accessing XML");


The output is 

As it is seen in output, created variables avector, a, b and d are returned to Java side in a single call without any manual translations.

Have a nice read!

Friday, March 13, 2015

RCaller 2.5 is available for downloading

We are happy to announce that our 'easy to use' Java library for calling R from Java is available for downloading by now on. Developers access the compiled jar file in site

This release does not extend the main functionality of the library but now there are some handy functions for performing some calculations and later development of the library.

What is new:

* Official document bibtex added to cite RCaller in any projects or papers

* RealMatrix class is implemented. Matrix operations are performed in more 'java-ish style'

* RService is implemented for developing wrapper functions

Where to start?

* Read the web page on RCaller
* Read blog entries in
* Have a look at the source tree in
* Download the library in

Have a nice try!

Migration of RCaller and Fuzuli Projects to GitHub

Since Google announced that they are shutting down the code hosting service 'Google code' in which our two projects RCaller and Fuzuli Programming Language are hosted.

We migrated our projects into the popular code hosting site GitHub.

Source code of these projects will no longer be committed in Google code site. Please check the new repositories.

GitHub pages are listed below:


Fuzuli Project:

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Android Device Information Tool Application

Hello! I would like to share an Android application that can be used as a tool.

The application provides information about software of your Android device. You can find out:

-Device name
-Device ID
-Android version
-Device product
-Device manufacturer
-Device brand
-Device version
-Device host
-Device model
-Device user
-Device hardware
-Device radio version
-Device serial number
-Device finger print

If you need informations given above, you can download it from this URL.

Android Device Info App!