also should be check article. This article contain a mobile phone client application to follow up to system room temperature..

I needed to find a solution for the question above for the company which I'm working for. I wanna talk about my quick solution in this article.
There are several IMB Blade chassis, cisco routers, Juniper devices, HP / IBM rock mountable servers, Cisco/Hp/Nortel swithces etc. in my system room.. Actually, there are many alternatives but I selected the IBM Blade chassis to read data of temperature. Because, It contains a lot of blade servers and they are really business critical. Somehow that blade chassis should always be powered on..
I have a Linux server for monitoring the network and something like that. It has got Apache Http Server, MySQL server, a Perl interpreter, a Php interpreter installed. I created a DB and a table to record temperature values. I wrote a script to connect to IBM blade chassis and get temperature value. This script gets the values and record them to a text file;
Read data from IBM Blade Chassis (;
use Net::Telnet ();
$t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10);
$t->login("USERID", "password");
$t->cmd("env -T system:mt[1]");
@lines = $t->cmd("temps");
#print @lines;
open (HEDEF, ">/root/ibmTemperature/lastTemp.txt") || die ("Could not open file
print HEDEF "@lines";
close (HEDEF);
recorded data to the lastTemp.txt file is like this;
Value Warning Reset
----- ------- -------
25.00 38.00 33.00
I need the first value; the value of 25.00 at line 1. Use following command to eleminate unwanted parts.
echo `/usr/bin/head -4 /root/ibmTemperature/lastTemp.txt | /usr/bin/tail -1 | /usr/bin/gawk -F ' ' ' {print $1} '`> /root/ibmTemperature/tempfile.txt
Write data to MySQL table (write.php);
I decide to use different languages for each step. The following php script reads the data from blade chassis, writes the data to mysql database server
I did set to execution permission to the script given above. I also wrote the interpreter path to head of the script source. So therefore, I can execute it directly. I also have to say, I almost always use the full path names in all scripts. Because, if I use relative paths in the scripts, I need login on the treminal / console to execute it to get $PATH variable value from environmental values structure. But, If I use full path in my scripts, I can execute it from everywhere (for example, execute from crontab)
shell script for execute all (,
echo `/usr/bin/head -4 /root/ibmTemperature/lastTemp.txt | /usr/bin/tail -1 | /usr/bin/gawk -F ' ' ' {print $1} '`> /root/ibmTemperature/tempfile.txt
Now, I can add script in the crontab for executing it once a minute and script to be able to trigger the, write.php and some linux commands. And now, I have to explain that linux commands;
a) The head is captured from first 4 lines of lastTemp.txt text file. The pipe captures an output from that head and inputs to tail command. So tail command captures the last line from the output of head command and next pipe creates an input for gawk..
This structure is being executed once a minute for adding the current temperature information to MySQL table with mktime date/time format. The following php script creates a clear output for users on a web-page. (my webpage hosted on /systemRoom/ directory in web root directory.)

System room temperature graphic (Last 24 Hours):";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "\n";
$k = 0;
while($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$current = (3*$line["temp"]);
$current_temp = $line["temp"];
if($current < "72") { $color = "lightblue.PNG"; } elseif($current < "85") { $color = "blue.PNG"; } else { $color = "red.PNG"; } if($k == 0) { $now = $line["date"]; } else { if(strlen($line["date"]) > 5) {
$end = $line["date"];
echo "\n";
echo "";
//echo "";
echo "
echo "";
echo "";
//echo "Now (0 point on graphic): ".date("Y/m/d - H:i:s", $now)."
Oldest (End point on graphic): ".date("Y/m/d - H:i:s", $end)."
"; echo " echo " |
: Recommended Values Range | ||
: Acceptable Values Range | ||
: Dangerous Values Range |
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