Sunday, June 17, 2012

Getting Contents of a DIV With PHP's DOM

Hi! Almost all of us use XML in our web sites. We can get contents with parsing XML files. But sometimes, we need another ways. The reason of this is that we want to get only one dom's content. For example an img element's content or it's value of id

Well, I will introduce how to get contents of element in this article. That's why I'll show you the sample given belown.

For my example, I got two files here:
  1. GetContent.php
  2. test.html
$source=new DOMdocument();
$path=new DOMXpath($source);
if (!$dom==0) {
   foreach ($dom as $dom) {
      print "<br>The Type of the element is: ". $dom->nodeName. "<br><b><pre><code>";
      $getContent = $dom->childNodes;
      foreach ($getContent as $attr) {
         print $attr->nodeValue. "</code></pre></b>";
So, If you analyze the sample given above, you can see the point easily. The point is the content of div element which is id=test. The reason of existing test.html page is to get div's content.

<div id="test">This is my content</div>

What we have just seen up there, should be like on this demo page.

The Type of the element is: div
This is my content

The result is the text above. We'll see you guys next article!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

List Operations in Fuzuli Programming Language

Fuzuli, our new programming language and interpreter has several internal functions for list operations. Arrays are prominent objects of programming languages. Although many other programming languages use brackets for setting and getting values of array, this operator is not defined in Fuzuli. Lists are similar to Lisp's lists but they are different. As we said before, Fuzuli is neither a Lisp nor an Algol family, but it is something like a combination of them.
Any one dimensional Fuzuli list can be created using the list keyword. This keyword corresponds to internal ListExpression and can take infinite number of parameters to hold. An example for use of list keyword is given below:

(let a (list 12 3 4 5 "Hello" 5 4 2 10 2.13))

In the code above, a is list of elements 12, 3, 4, 5, "Hello", 5, 4, 2, 10, and 2.13, respectively. As we can see, the list a can hold elements from any type.

The keyword nth corresponds to the function nth for accessing elements using their indices. An example for use of nth is given below:

(let element (nth a 4))

The variable element now holds the value "Hello" because it has the indices of 4. Note that the index of first elements is zero. 4th element of list a can be changes as

(set a 4 "Fuzuli")

and variable a contains these elements:

12 3 4 5 "Fuzuli" 5 4 2 10 2.13

Lists can be constructed automatically in an increasing manner from an integer a to integer b. The code shown below is for creating a list from 1 to 1000:

(let biglist (: 1 1000))

 Ok! We borrowed this command from R because it is very nice and easy! Let's get the length of this list:

(let mylen (length biglist))

and mylen carries the value of 1000, the number of elements contained by biglist. One may need to append or prepend elements to lists. For those, we have append and prepend keywords for appending and prepending.

# Creating a list
(let mylist (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))

# Appending 7 to the end of mylist
(append mylist 7)

# Put a zero at the beginning
(prepend mylist 0)

# Print out the list
(print mylist)

The output is

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Well! How about removing elements? Lets remove the "4" from this list:

# Removing 4
(remove mylist 4)

The output is

[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7]

There is also a find keyword for determining location of a given element in a list. Look at the code:

(let mylist (list "Jan" "Jun" "Aug" "Sep"))
(let index (find mylist "Jun"))
(print index)

The output is 1 because "Jun" has the index of 1 in array mylist.

There are extra functions in package for list operations. Those functions are not built-in but shipped within Fuzuli. Current package contains shuffle, sorta and sortb functions for mixing, ascending sorting and descending sorting of elements of a given list.

Another important point of Fuzuli lists is multi-dimensionality. We mentioned that Fuzuli lists can contain any type of objects. These object can exactly be an other list! And those list can take lists as their elements and so on... Let's create a 2x2 matrix of elements.

(let matrix
        (list 1 2)
        (list 3 4)

(print matrix)

The output is

[[1, 2], [3, 4]]

The matrix given below has a dimension of 3x5:

(let matrix
        (list 1 2 3 4 5)
        (list 6 7 8 9 10)
        (list 11 12 13 14 15)

(print matrix)

The output is

[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]]

Accessing elements of multi-dimensional lists is easy! Follow the code:

(let matrix
        (list 1 2 3 4 5)
        (list 6 7 8 9 10)
        (list 11 12 13 14 15)

(print (nth (nth matrix 0) 0) "\n")
(print (nth (nth matrix 1) 3) "\n")
(print (nth (nth matrix 2) 3) "\n")
(print (nth (nth matrix 2) 4) "\n")

The output is


becase matrix[0][0] is 1, matrix[1][3] is 9, matrix[2][3] is 14 and matrix[2][4] is 15 in C or Java notation.

Have fun with Fuzuli lists!

Sorting data with Fuzuli

In this article, I want to show how to sort data vectors using Bubble sort and Quick sort. Bubble sort is known to be one of the most in-efficient sorting algorithms. Quick sort has lower order of magnitude and it is known to be the most efficient one. There are tons of articles about these algorithms around the Internet and I don't want to give a detailed description and comparison of them.

Let me show how to write them in Fuzuli.

Bubble Sort in Fuzuli:

(def mylist LIST)
(let mylist (list 5 6 4 2 3 9 1 10 5))

(print "Original List:\n")
(print mylist "\n")

(for (let i 0) (< i (length mylist)) (inc i)
    (for (let j (clone i)) (< j (length mylist)) (inc j)
        (if (> (nth mylist i) (nth mylist j))
            (let temp (nth mylist i))
            (set mylist i (nth mylist j))
            (set mylist j temp)

(print "After sorting:\n")
(print mylist "\n")

The output is :

Original List:
[5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 9, 1, 10, 5]

After sorting:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9, 10] 

 The code is similar to one written in both Lisp, C or Java! Hope the taste of code is good for you. Next one is the Quick sort:

Quick Sort in Fuzuli:

(def mylist LIST)
(let mylist (list 5 6 4 2 3 9 1 10 5))

(print "Original List:\n")
(print mylist "\n")

(function partition (params arr left right)
  (def i INTEGER) (def j INTEGER)(def tmp INTEGER)
  (def pivot INTEGER)
  (let i (clone left)) (let j (clone right))
  (let pivot (nth arr (/ (+ left right) 2)))

  (while (<= i  j)
             (while (< (nth arr i) pivot)(inc i))
                (while (> (nth arr j) pivot) (-- j)) 
       (if (<= i  j) 
            (let tmp  (nth arr i)) 
               (set arr i (nth arr j))
               (set arr j  tmp)
               (++ i)
               (-- j)
  (return i)

(function quicksort (params arr left right) 
  (def index INTEGER)
  (let index (partition arr left right))
  (if (< left  (- index 1))
             (quicksort arr left  (- index 1))

       (if (< index right)
             (quicksort arr  index  right)

(quicksort mylist 0 (- (length mylist) 1))
(print "After sorting:\n")
(print mylist "\n")

The output is :

Original List:
[5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 9, 1, 10, 5]

After sorting:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9, 10]

which is the same for bubble sort but the latter is faster.

Hope you like the code. See you next!

Friday, June 15, 2012

How to create dynagen network topology with multible dynamips service

I explained "Using dynagen & dynamips for multible cisco router simulation" in the article before. I'm going to talk about how to create a dynagen configuration for multiple dynamips service. Also we are going to work about dynagen performance optimization. Let's create a network topology to try on our system.

Now, we have got three dynamips services. Each single dynamips service is creating three virtual routers and all of them are connected to each other. The first dynamips service contains R1, R2 and R3 routers, the second dynamips service contains R4, R5 and R6 routers, the third dynamips service contains R7, R8 and R9 routers. They are  seperated on configuration but logically they are connected to each other directly.

Start to practice,

1-) Starting dynamips services with different port numbers,

ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynamips -H 7200 &
ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynamips -H 7301 &
ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynamips -H 7402 &

2-) Create dynamips configuration file corresponding our network topology,

  workingdir = /tmp/workingdy1

  image = /tmp/c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T13.bin
  ram = 128
  #idlepc =  ?? # We will talk about this, later.
  ghostios = true
  sparsemem = true
  idlemax = 100 

 [[Router R1]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2001
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R2 S0/0

 [[Router R2]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2002
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R1 S0/0
  S0/1 = R3 S0/0

 [[Router R3]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2003
  autostart = false
  WIC0/0 = WIC-2T
  S0/0 = R2 S0/1 
  S0/1 = R7 S0/1


  workingdir = /tmp/workingdy2

  image = /tmp/c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T13.bin
  ram = 128
  #idlepc =  ?? # We will talk about this, later.
  ghostios = true
  sparsemem = true
  idlemax = 100 

 [[Router R4]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2004
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R5 S0/0
  S0/1 = R8 S0/1

 [[Router R5]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2005
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R4 S0/0
  S0/1 = R6 S0/0

 [[Router R6]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2006
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R5 0/1


  workingdir = /tmp/workingdy3

  image = /tmp/c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T13.bin
  ram = 128
  #idlepc =  ?? # We will talk about this, later.
  ghostios = true
  sparsemem = true
  idlemax = 100 

 [[Router R7]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2007
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R9 S0/0
  S0/1 = R3 S0/1

 [[Router R8]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2008
  autostart = false
  WIC0/0 = WIC-2T
  S0/0 = R9 S0/1
  S0/1 = R4 S0/1

 [[Router R9]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2009
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R7 0/0
  S0/1 = R8 0/0


I saved the content above with a file name of name in /tmp directory.  We need working directories as below:

ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ mkdir /tmp/workingdy1
ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ mkdir /tmp/workingdy2
ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ mkdir /tmp/workingdy3

3-) The working directories are ready. Right now, dynagen service is ready to start. I did a mistake to shown follow up how to troubleshooting.

ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynagen /tmp/ 
Reading configuration file...

Shutdown in progress...
Shutdown completed.
Shutdown in progress...
Shutdown completed.
Shutdown in progress...
Shutdown completed.
*** Warning:  Connecting R6 S0/0 to R5 0/1 resulted in:
 malformed destination interface: R5 0/1
*** Warning:  Connecting R9 S0/0 to R7 0/0 resulted in:
 malformed destination interface: R7 0/0
*** Warning:  Connecting R9 S0/1 to R8 0/0 resulted in:
 malformed destination interface: R8 0/0

*** Error:  errors during loading of the topology file, please correct them
Shutdown in progress...
Error: could not communicate with dynamips server localhost
It may have crashed. Check the dynamips server output.
Press ENTER to exit
[3]+  Segmentation fault      (core dumped) dynamips -H 7202

Normally, you can define a connection on both ends of lines. But on our sample, dynagen service doesn't accept this duplicate defination. I removed " S0/1 = R6 S0/0" line in R5 router part. Also "  S0/0 = R9 S0/0" line in R7 part and " S0/0 = R9 S0/1" line in R8 part. After editing, file has a content as seen below:

  workingdir = /tmp/workingdy1

  image = /tmp/c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T13.bin
  ram = 128
  #idlepc =  ?? # We will talk about this, later.
  ghostios = true
  sparsemem = true
  idlemax = 100

 [[Router R1]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2001
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R2 S0/0

 [[Router R2]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2002
  autostart = false
  #S0/0 = R1 S0/0
  S0/1 = R3 S0/0

 [[Router R3]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2003
  autostart = false
  #S0/0 = R2 S0/1
  S0/1 = R7 S0/1


  workingdir = /tmp/workingdy2

  image = /tmp/c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T13.bin
  ram = 128
  #idlepc =  ?? # We will talk about this, later.
  ghostios = true
  sparsemem = true
  idlemax = 100

 [[Router R4]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2004
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R5 S0/0
  S0/1 = R8 S0/1

 [[Router R5]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2005
  autostart = false
  #S0/0 = R4 S0/0
  S0/1 = R6 S0/0

 [[Router R6]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2006
  autostart = false
#  S0/0 = R5 0/1


  workingdir = /tmp/workingdy3

  image = /tmp/c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T13.bin
  ram = 128
  #idlepc =  ?? # We will talk about this, later.
  ghostios = true
  sparsemem = true
  idlemax = 100

 [[Router R7]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2007
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R9 S0/0
  #S0/1 = R3 S0/1

 [[Router R8]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2008
  autostart = false
  S0/0 = R9 S0/1
  #S0/1 = R4 S0/1

 [[Router R9]]
  model = 3725
  console = 2009
  autostart = false
#  S0/0 = R7 0/0
#  S0/1 = R8 0/0


We already started dynamips with 7200, 7201 and 7202 ports but dynagen service has been crashed. Some dynamips services may have been crashed. We have to check them before restarting dynages service.

ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ ps -ef | grep dynamips
ismail    3811  3756  1 10:15 pts/0    00:00:14 dynamips -H 7200
ismail    3829  3756  1 10:16 pts/0    00:00:14 dynamips -H 7201
ismail    4017  3756  0 10:27 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto dynamips

So One dynamips service crashed and other two ones still working. I want to kill all dynamips services and start them again to make sure about everything on the way. We can kill a PID using the "kill -9 3811" command but I selected pkill command in this sample to show first practice.

ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ pkill dynamips
[1]-  Terminated              dynamips -H 7200
[2]+  Terminated              dynamips -H 7201

And now, there is no any running dynamip process. We can start all of them again,

ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynamips -H 7201 &
ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynamips -H 7202 &
ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynamips -H 7203 &
ismail@ismail-ThinkPad-T410:~$ dynagen /tmp/ 
Reading configuration file...
Dynagen management console for Dynamips and Pemuwrapper 0.11.0
Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Greg Anuzelli, contributions Pavel Skovajsa


Finally dynagen loaded our network topology. We can handle it now. We can start routers with "start" command on dynagen console and get console of routers with "telnet Rx" command (x is number of router name, for example R4).

We may need to use the "idlepc" parameter in this sample. If you need more performance, you have to use idlepc parameter. Dynagen can optimize itself using the value given for idlepc. We have to learn only what is our idlepc value for our system. We can use following command in the dynagen console,

=> start R1
=> idlepc get R1
Please wait while gathering statistics...

Please wait while gathering statistics...
Done. Suggested idling PC:
   0x60c08128 (count=22)
   0x60c08164 (count=33)
   0x60c08180 (count=35)
   0x60c081c0 (count=66)
   0x62b2823c (count=45)
   0x60c08bf8 (count=23)
   0x60c08c20 (count=20)
   0x614b0e34 (count=38)
   0x62b2b134 (count=20)
   0x6026bca4 (count=30)
Restart the emulator with "--idle-pc=0x60c08128" (for example)
   1: 0x60c08128 [22]
   2: 0x60c08164 [33]
   3: 0x60c08180 [35]
   4: 0x60c081c0 [66]
   5: 0x62b2823c [45]
   6: 0x60c08bf8 [23]
   7: 0x60c08c20 [20]
   8: 0x614b0e34 [38]
   9: 0x62b2b134 [20]
  10: 0x6026bca4 [30]
Potentially better idlepc values marked with "*"
Enter the number of the idlepc value to apply [1-10] or ENTER for no change: 
No changes made

If you find any "*" line, you can use this line value. If you don't have any marked line with "*", you can try to get idlepc value again.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Calculating Levenshtein Distance Between Two Strings in Fuzuli

Hi! I am so happy I can code with Fuzuli programming language. In this article, I'll show you how to calculate the distance between two strings on Fuzuli. I usually use Levenshtein distance on PHP. This situation is the same on Fuzuli. Before introducing my sample, sharing the Levenshtein function would be nice, I think.

For this article, I've got an example here: 
The code given belown is about how to calculate the distance between strings. 

(require "nfl/")
(require "nfl/")

(print "Please enter a word for calculating distance: ")
(let word(readline))

(let Array (list "windows" "ubuntu" "android"))

(foreach i in Array
  (let distance (levenshtein word i))
  (print distance " for " i "\n")

(require "nfl/")
(require "nfl/")

The code shown above shows how we import a required package. string package is for Levenshtein function, namely it is not "fuzuli" :) io package is for readline.

You can run it by typing:

fuzuli levenshtein.fzl
Screen View
Screen View
If you compare screen views, you can see the differency. First, I wrote "fuzuli" and the system has found distances, but when I write "android", the system has found zero distance for "android".

Here, I actually wanted to show you many things. One of'em was how to get a piece of array with foreach. Other one was the point of this article, Levenshtein function. I hope that was enough and helpful for you!

See you!

Calculating roots of a parabola with Fuzuli Programming Language

Fuzuli has its core libraries inhereted from C++ standard libraries. That is why adapting to Fuzuli does not require climbing a sharp learning curve. Only the requirement is to have a habitat of parenthesis syntax.

In this article, we write a small script for calculating roots of a parabola. This script includes two Fuzuli packages, io and math. This packages are required for readline, exit and sqrt functions. The remaining part of this script uses the internal functions of Fuzuli.

A parabola is a function in form of ax^2 + bx + c where a!=0. Delta, which is calculated as b^2 - 4ac is an indicator of number of real roots. If delta is less than zero, the parabola has no real roots. If delta is zero, all of the roots shares the same value. If delta is greater than zero, there are two distinct roots. This is not our subject now and it is well described at the Wikipedia.

Before coding, you can manually install the Fuzuli for Linux or Windows systems. Please visit the Fuzuli Official Web Page and Google Code page for installing instructions.
Our Fuzuli script is shown below:

(require "/usr/lib/fuzuli/nfl/")
(require "/usr/lib/fuzuli/nfl/")

(print "Please enter a b and c for parabola ax^2 + bx + c\n")
(print "Enter a:")
(let a (readline))

(print "Enter b:")
(let b (readline))

(print "Enter c:")
(let c (readline))

(let delta (- (pow b 2) (* 4 (* a c))))
(print "Delta is " delta "\n")

(if (< delta 0.0)
  (print "No real roots exist\n")
  (exit 0)

(if (= delta 0.0)
 (print "There are two equal roots\n")

(if (> delta 0.0)
 (print "There are two different real roots\n")

(let x1 (/ (+ (* -1 b) (sqrt delta)) (* 2 a)))
(let x2 (/ (- (* -1 b) (sqrt delta)) (* 2 a)))
(print "x1=" x1 " and x2=" x2 "\n")
I write the codes above in the file "delta.fzl". You can run it by typing

#fuzuli delta.fzl

and program asks for values of a, b and c. The output screen is similar to the output given below:

Have fun with Fuzuli!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Extracting links from web pages using Fuzuli

We have too much written about Fuzuli and its core components but we didn't publish any real world applications run on it.

Fuzuli, our new general purpose programming language and interpreter, is first introduced in Practical Code Solutions blog and has the official web page

Here we have an example of extracting links from an HTTP connection. Program asks for a domain name. The default one is and processed by just pressing enter key. Then program sends an HTTP GET request to the server and reads the content. After collecting all of the content, program starts to parse HTML codes and shows the tags start with an A tag.  The Fuzuli code is shown below:

# Loading required packages
(require "/usr/lib/fuzuli/nfl/")
(require "/usr/lib/fuzuli/nfl/")
(require "/usr/lib/fuzuli/nfl/")

# Getting a domain name from user.
(puts "Please give a domain (for default just type enter):")
(let word (readline))

# If user did not type anything
# set the default page to
(if (< (strlen word) 3)
   (let word "")
(print "Doing " word "\n")

# Open a socket connection to host
(print "Connecting " word "\n")
(let socket (fsockopen word 80))

# Sending HTTP Request
(print "Sending request\n")
(fsockwrite socket (strcat (list "GET /\n\n")))

# Reading html content
(print "Retrieving result\n")
(def htmllist LIST)
(while 1
   (let c (fsockread socket 1))
   (if (= (typeof c) NULL) (break))
   (append htmllist c)
# Closing socket
(fsockclose socket)

(print "Constucting string\n")

(let html (strcat htmllist))
(let len (strlen html))
(print len " bytes read.\n")

(def part STRING)
(def i INTEGER)

# Parsing loaded content
(for (let i 0) (< i len) (inc i)
   (let part (substr html i (+ i 7)))
   (if (= part "<a href")
         (print "link found: \n")
         (while (!= part "</a>")
            (let part (substr html i (+ i 4)))
            (print (substr html i (+ i 1)))
            (inc i)
         (print part "\n")

The example given above combines variable definitions and scopes, loops, sockets and basic io. Please get more detailed information about the keywords, commands and functions using Fuzuli's documentation site.

PHP and Microsoft Access Database Connection

We all know that MySQL database connection is the best way for PHP. This make us so strong during coding. But what I have to say is that is not the only way. We have some opinions about connecting to databases. These may be between PHP&Access, PHP&Sqlite and PHP&PostgreSQL etc. But here, we interested in the first one, PHP&Access.

Access is one of the most popular databases in the world. It was made by Microsoft Corporation. You can find here more information about Access. A person who uses the Access can create, update, delete, etc tables on databases without using SQL.  That's why we can see easily how important  the interface is. In this respect this is so simple and useful.

An Example on Access : Getting data from access

$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("ADODB Oops!");
$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\ MyDatabaseFile .mdb");
$data = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM myTable ORDER BY users ASC");

print "<TABLE border='1'><TR><TD colspan='6'>DATA</TD><TR>";
while (!$data->EOF)
print "<tr>";
print "<td>" . $ data ->Fields[0]->value . " </td>";
print "<td>" . $ data ->Fields[1]->value . " </td>";
print "</tr>";
$ data ->MoveNext();
echo "</TABLE>";

Just save code above as access.php and run it. It's going to be like the screen belown.
Screen View
If you try to figure that out, codes belown will be helpful for you.

$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("ADODB Opps!");
$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\MyDatabaseFile.mdb");

We try to connect access database with php here.

odbc_connect(‘dsn name’, ‘user name’, ‘password’);

There is a problem with this! When you look at the code belown, can realize user_name and password field. What are these ones? How can we build on these? That's the point on this article actually. Just go to the localhost and this page:



When run phpinfo.php file, need look into ODBC properties

ODBC with phpinfo.php
You must implement your user name and password for working on it. By the way, it is easier to make this operations with codes. That's why i show you as code, not screen views.

Well, let's code then :)

$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("ADODB Opps!");
$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\MyDatabaseFile.mdb");

$data = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM myTable ORDER BY users ASC");

print "<TABLE border='1'><TR><TD colspan='6'>DATA</TD><TR>";
while (!$data->EOF)
print "<tr>";
print "<td>" . $ data ->Fields[0]->value . " </td>";
print "<td>" . $ data ->Fields[1]->value . " </td>";
print "</tr>";
$ data ->MoveNext();
echo "</TABLE>";

This is my result page with php, html and sql.

See you guys next article!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Installing Fuzuli for Windows

Well, it was difficult to shut down our Linux installed machines and start up Windows after a long time interval. Unfortunately, there are many Windows users around the world that want to try out Fuzuli, our new interpreter which is first introduced in Practical Code Solutions blog.

We compiled Fuzuli using GNU C++ compiler and prepared some Linux packages which are ready to download at Google Code page. In order to compile it Windows, we had to use GNU for Windows, namely CYGWIN. Finally, we have a running copy at hand and it is ready to download in page Download Packages. Installing Fuzuli in Windows is such an easy task. Just follow the required steps and start running and testing Fuzuli.

  1. Go to the page and download Fuzuli for Windows.
  2. The current zip file is but it depends on the current release. It will have a new name in the future but in the same pattern.
  3. Extract the zip file, for example in C:\, so your Fuzuli folder becomes c:\fuzuli-win_0.1-4.

 Okay, by now on, you will have installed Fuzuli! Let's test it using following steps:
  1. Click button. Select run and type "cmd". Press enter. This will open a terminal screen.

  2. Type "cd C:\fuzuli-win_0.1-4" and type enter. This will get you in the Fuzuli folder. 

  3. Type "fuzuli" and type enter. 
 You would see an output like this:

Fuzuli build Jun  9 2012 12:59:18
 fuzuli source
 fuzuli --repl

If you see the output shown above, you probably installed Fuzuli successfuly. Lets try a program. There is fzl file shipped with Fuzuli with name fibonacci.fzl. This file is a text file and can be edited a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++. You can run it by typing

fuzuli fibonacci.fzl

and if there is not any problem, the output should be like this:


The output shown above proofs that Fuzuli is ready. You can create your own fzl files and run them in a similar way.

Ok. Let write a world classic, Hello World!. Open your favorite text editor, it is Notepad++ if I work with Windows.

Now save it with name "hello.fzl" in some folder. Do not forget where you saved the file. I saved my hello.fzl in directory D:\myfuzuli so it is D:\myfuzuli\hello.fzl

 Okay, see you later in next article!




Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to Use JQuery UI Progress Bar

Hi! As you know, we wrote something about JQuery before. We'd talked about where and how to use it. 

In this article, we're going to learn using progress bar we all know. For using it, have to include the library about this. Like i said, this article is about showing load progress using JQuery UI.

I guess that we all need to load progress while our pages was loading on. All of expert of software think about that is the best way ever. For that reason, this is indispensable for us :)

Well, we'd talked about the libraries. If you learn how to use those, you can visit Jquery web site

Your Html Page should be like:

<div id="progressbar"></div>

When the script stars and loads, progress bar will work on the div layer which's id is progressbar.

This is my jquery document:

$(document).ready(function() {
 var count = 0;
 setInterval(function() {
  count = count + 0.5;
   value : count         
 }, 10);

As you see, setInterval function is counting our count and then load the page. I used to 0.5 value. If you want to load faster or slower, can change the 0.5 value, namely value of count.

If you want to see how the demo works, you can visit this page.

Just remember that is an open source project and if you see the code, you can see the code, if you want to get the code, you can get to code also. And libraries we used on the script are here.

We'll see you guys next article!

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Basic QT LCD Number Component Example

In this small example, we demonstrate how to use Qt's LCD Number component with consequent images and codes.

Since Qt is known to be a good GUI library, it has got a collection of classes for general purpose programming on networking, databases and other things.

In our simple example, we have one lcd number component and two buttons for increasing and decreasing the value on it. Events are handling using slots and signals as usual in Qt. First, follow these images.

The C++ code for main.cpp, mainwindow.cpp and mainwindow.h is shown below:

#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "mainwindow.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    MainWindow w;;
    return a.exec();

#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
    this->connect(this->ui->pushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,SLOT(button_Plus_click()));
    this->connect(this->ui->pushButton_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,SLOT(button_Minus_click()));

    delete ui;

void MainWindow::button_Minus_click(){

void MainWindow::button_Plus_click(){


#include <QMainWindow>

namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
    explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

    Ui::MainWindow *ui;
    int counter;

private slots:
    void button_Plus_click();
    void button_Minus_click();

#endif // MAINWINDOW_H

Good luck!