We compiled Fuzuli using GNU C++ compiler and prepared some Linux packages which are ready to download at Google Code page. In order to compile it Windows, we had to use GNU for Windows, namely CYGWIN. Finally, we have a running copy at hand and it is ready to download in page Download Packages. Installing Fuzuli in Windows is such an easy task. Just follow the required steps and start running and testing Fuzuli.
- Go to the page http://code.google.com/p/fuzuli/downloads/list and download Fuzuli for Windows.
- The current zip file is fuzuli-win_0.1-4.zip but it depends on the current release. It will have a new name in the future but in the same pattern.
- Extract the zip file, for example in C:\, so your Fuzuli folder becomes c:\fuzuli-win_0.1-4.
- Click
button. Select run and type "cmd". Press enter. This will open a terminal screen.
- Type "cd C:\fuzuli-win_0.1-4" and type enter. This will get you in the Fuzuli folder.
- Type "fuzuli" and type enter.
Fuzuli build Jun 9 2012 12:59:18 usage: fuzuli source fuzuli --repl
If you see the output shown above, you probably installed Fuzuli successfuly. Lets try a program. There is fzl file shipped with Fuzuli with name fibonacci.fzl. This file is a text file and can be edited a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++. You can run it by typing
fuzuli fibonacci.fzl
and if there is not any problem, the output should be like this:
The output shown above proofs that Fuzuli is ready. You can create your own fzl files and run them in a similar way.
Ok. Let write a world classic, Hello World!. Open your favorite text editor, it is Notepad++ if I work with Windows.
Now save it with name "hello.fzl" in some folder. Do not forget where you saved the file. I saved my hello.fzl in directory D:\myfuzuli so it is D:\myfuzuli\hello.fzl
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