Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Form Validation Using AJAX and PHP

In this article, we'll show you something about form validation, namely form control solutions using AJAX and PHP. As you know, we can submit a form without refreshing page with Ajax. So, we should use this tech.

NOTE : Ajax is not one technology, but a group of technologies. Ajax uses HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML etc.

This example, shows the relationship between getting data of form and checking:

Step 1 is, users type something or not!

Step 2 is, the system checks what the data is or, is there any typed data?

Well, let's do our pages. For that we create three files,
  1. example.html
  2. kitchen.php
  3. lib.ajax.js
// JavaScript Document
	//What does JaX stand for? is the function we use for ajax object
function JaX() {
	var httpObject = null;
	var httpBrowser = navigator.appName;
	if(httpBrowser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
		httpObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");	
	} else {
		httpObject = new XMLHttpRequest();	
	return httpObject;

function UJaX(subject, method, path, more, func, statu) {
	//subject is object of ajax
	//method is the method of getting variables
	//path is the path of file
	//func is the function you use on it
	//statu can be true or false
	ajaxObject = JaX();
	if(method == 'POST') {
		if(ajaxObject != null) {
			ajaxObject.onreadystatechange = func;'POST', path, statu);
			header = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
			ajaxObject.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", header);
		} else {
			alert("Error(1)->The System Cannot Be Opened!");	
	} else {
		if(ajaxObject != null) {
			ajaxObject.onreadystatechange = func;'GET', path+'?'+more, statu);
		} else {
			alert("Error(2)->The System Cannot Be Opened!");	


var ajaxObject;

function CheckItOut() {
	subject = ajaxObject;
	method = 'GET';
	path = 'kitchen.php';
	func = sonuc;
	dataMore = document.getElementById("data").value;
	more = 'data=' + dataMore;
	statu = "true";
	UJaX(subject, method, path, more, func, statu);

function sonuc() {
	if(ajaxObject.readyState == 4) {
		if(ajaxObject.status == 200) {
			DM = ajaxObject.responseText;
			//DM =;
			if(DM == "You must write something!")
				document.getElementById("MyButton").disabled = true;	
				document.getElementById("MyButton").disabled = false;	
		} else
			DM = "Error = Nu/1";	
	} else
		DM = "Loading...";	
		document.getElementById("MyLabel").innerHTML = DM;

< form name="form1" method="GET">
< input name="data" type="text" id="data" onChange="CheckItOut();">
< input name="MyButton" type="button" id="MyButton" value="I'm Ok!">
< /form>

Preview example.html page

And php page, kitchen.php

$DataOfForm = $_REQUEST["data"];
if(!$DataOfForm == 1) {
	print "You must write something!";
} else {
	print "You said:".$DataOfForm."";	

And yes! We just finished our script! go to example.html page and write something;

When you typing

If we don't type anything on this, we'll see like down here:

When you type none.

Like you see, "Button" is disabled when you type none. Because of it is DM variable of javascript.

If you want to see this project, you can click Demo!

We'll see you next article!

hook_help() function on Drupal: 'helping menu' for Our Module

We've learnt how to create a new module on Drupal before, here is How to create a new module! We'll been added new features on it after this article.

As first, we should explain what our module is. For that reason, can put a helping menu. We'd said there were so much functions on Drupal library, hook_help() is just one of'em. If we want to realize what this article says, must implements hook_help() function.


* Implements hook_help().
function honda_help($path, $arg) {
 if($path == 'admin/help#honda') { //The direction
  return t('<a href=honda/hrv>CLICK FAQ</a> for HONDA HR-V.'); //We help here!
When checked t() function out, can see that able to use HTML tags, here is <a href=honda/hrv>CLICK FAQ</a>.

Click the "help?"!

We'll see you next article!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Creating a Basic Drupal Module!

It is quite easy creating a drupal module. The rule what you have to know is just selecting the function you need to use. Because, Drupal has got so many functions that you can use. But before coding, we must create a folder for our module. This folder has two important files:

  1. Mymodule (folder)
    • (must)
    • mymodule.module (must)
Let's view!

For step 1; includes;

name = Honda HR-V //this is the name of the module
description = HONDA HR-V car is the best i have ever seen in this world! //the description
package = packageName //which package the module is in
core = 7.x //the core number
version = 7.8 //the version
files[] = honda.module //files that'll include to
dependencies[] = views //the modules which we must include

For step 2;

mymodule.module details are;

When we code a module of Drupal, we should know how to use the PHP tags. After the end of our code, we don't put the "<?>" tag on it.

    function honda_menu() {
      $items['honda/hrv'] = array(
        'title' => 'Honda HR-V',
        'page callback' => 'honda_page',
        'access arguments' => array('access content'),
        'file' => '',
      return $items;
     Please check "honda/hrv" out. This is the direction we go on the browser. If we click this, it's going to start on "" page. Here is one of the most important things we have to know on drupal, is the way of how Drupal's work. "honda_page" is a function actually. When the module opened, this function'll be started.

    For step 3;

    Then let me show you the page which's name is

    function honda_page() {
      return t('This is the first module i created!');
    As you see here, we've never used the ending tag ,"? >".
    This honda_page function's been used before When we coding mymodule.module page, page callback.

    By the way, you may ask me what the "t" is. t() is a function that used on drupal. This method handles the outputting works including the multilingual operations.

    If you want to see more information about t() function, you can visit official web site, here is .

    We'll see you next article!

    Thursday, September 29, 2011

    Contribute to Practical Code Solutions

    Practical Code Solutions has three active authors now and they post blog entries about programming, open source software, networking, scripting and other issues about computers. Since it is not a private site,we are calling new participants which have aimed to write about the issues stated above.

    Also the authors which are interested in web programming, desktop programming, databases, operating systems, compilers and interpreters, algorithms, statistics, operations research are welcome!. Requirements are average level of plain English and being a professional or hobbyist on one or more of the subjects described.

    Please contact one of the authors of Practical Code Solutions or leave a message under this post to participate. Do not hesitate to share new ideas with us.

    DHCP server configuration on Linux.

    This page is about configuring a dhcp3-server on a Debian system. You can install the service library with following command;

    sudo atp-get install dhcp3-server

    When you install dhcp3-server service, you will see dhcp3 directory in folder /etc. That directory contains dhcp3-server configuration file dhcpd.conf. My dhcp3-server service configuration file seems like this;

    ddns-update-style none;
    option domain-name "sample-dom.sample-com";
    option domain-name-servers,;

    default-lease-time 600;
    max-lease-time 7200;

    subnet netmask {
    option subnet-mask;
    option broadcast-address;
    option routers;

    host printer {
    hardware ethernet 00:26:73:04:08:3f;

    host printer1 {
    hardware ethernet 00:00:f0:a6:ef:5b;

    host AccessPoint_Symbol {
    hardware ethernet 00:A0:F8:A7:77:88;

    log-facility local7;

    First 3 lines are abo ut dn s settings. You can set the domain in domain-name line and you can set dns servers on domai-name-servers line. You can also set multiple dns servers in a single line. If a client gets an ip address and never opens it for 7200 seconds, all information will be deleted for that client. So this date is called expiration date. subnet netmask part defines a scope between "{" and "}" characters. Scope properties are located between parentheses. For example, I want service to distribute ips only from the range of and I don't want the service to distribute ips from the range of and I also want to use this range to special purposes. And then, there are other options needed. subnet-mask, broadcast address and router address. Router address is usually called default gateway.

    Host part is used for reservation. printer, printer1 and AccessPoint_Sympol parts are name of the reservations. You have to define a MAC address in a hardware ethernet line and you have to define some reserved ip addresses in fixed-address line. if you use "authoritative" line (you can delete it), all of the clients will record themself to dns server. The last line is just for defining the logging level.

    Finally, you will need to start the service. You can use /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server shell script with start, stop, restart, force-reload or status options. If you execute that script without any parameter, it cats the possible options defined below:

    Usage: /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}