Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Installing VBox with extpack on ubuntu server 11.10

This article is about Virtual Box installation and virtual machine / virtual operation system installation WITHOUT a Graphical User Interface (GUI). I'm using an IBM Blade hardware for this Installation sample. Some information for this hardware is shown in pictures below:

The IBM Blade Chassis Hardware Topology Inventory details

The IBM Blade Server that located in the IBM Blade Chassis

I want to describe hardware details and base operating system before virtual system because, this may affect virtual parts. Actually this risc is really very low for VirtualBox versus OpenVZ. Because there are criterias of hardware compatibility for other virtualization products. I'm going to use a Ubuntu Server 11.10 for base operation system so this OS is used by most of the people. Also I'm going to select a 64 bit operation system to able to use 64 bit virtual systems.

Mount iso image, and check KVM and media tray and power on as show in following movie.

Ubuntu 11.10 Server AMD 64 bit OS installation steps are shown in following pictures: (These pictures show the steps that are almost all in default. You may want to jump if you wish.)

VirtualBox Installation;

1-) Add one of the following lines according to your Ubuntu server to your /etc/apt/sources.list

deb oneiric contrib
deb natty contrib
deb maverick contrib non-free
deb lucid contrib non-free
deb karmic contrib non-free
deb hardy contrib non-free
deb squeeze contrib non-free
deb lenny contrib non-free

Actually I need adding only the first line for my OS because, my ubuntu distribution is Oneiric. But your distribution may have a different version, so I write other distributions.

2-) Downloading the Oracle public key for apt-secure and registering:

support@tester:~$ wget
support@tester:~$ sudo apt-key add oracle_vbox.asc


support@tester:~$ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

3-) Installing virtualbox-4.1:

support@tester:~$ sudo apt-get update
support@tester:~$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.1

4-) Downloading extension pack:

support@tester:~$ wget

5-) Installing the extension pack for Oracle VirtualBox. If we don't install extension pack, we won't be able to use remote display features. So our system hasn't got GUI yet, we can not start to install virtual system without extension pack. To install extension pack,

support@tester:~$ VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.1.8-75467.vbox-extpack

You can find all of the official instructions and installation packages in .

You can watch these instructions on following movie:

You can visit to read "Creating virtual machines using VBoxManage command" article. It is the next step of this article.


  1. As a Dell employee I think your blog about blade server hardware is quite impressive. I think a blade server is a server chassis housing multiple thin, modular electronic circuit boards, known as server blades. Each blade is a server in its own right, often dedicated to a single application.

  2. Thanks for your interest. Yes I agree with you. I'm using IBM blade servers at job but there are two DELL servers in my home network for some testing purposes like this.

    by the way, we are using vmware esx hosts for virtulization at job (as you can see first picture on this article) but I'm using virtualbox at my home. especially this difference depends to some corporate decisions. So I have 3 blade chassis (in the past there were 5 count) and some blades dedicated to some special purposes (as you know) and some blades are hosting to ESXs and creating the vm clusters.. Really there are a lot of different configuration/setup alternatives on blade structure, I hope I will able to find extra-time and energy to publish something about them..

  3. As a Dell employee I really like the information you shared with us. Its really very useful and informative. We would certainly like to hear more about the same. Thanks for sharing this with us.

