Friday, June 13, 2014

Scholarly papers, projects and thesis that cite RCaller

paperRCaller is now in its 4th year with its version of 2.3 and it is considerable mature now. It is used in many commercial projects as well as scholarly papers and thesis. Here is the list of scholarly papers, projects and thesis that I stumbled upon in Google Scholar.  

  • Niya Wang, Fan Meng, Li Chen, Subha Madhavan, Robert Clarke, Eric P. Hoffman, Jianhua Xuan, and Yue Wang. 2013. The CAM software for nonnegative blind source separation in R-Java. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 14, 1 (January 2013), 2899-2903.
  • Meng, Fan. Design and Implementation of Convex Analysis of Mixtures Software Suite, Master's Thesis, 2012. Abstract: Various convex analysis of mixtures (CAM) based algorithms have been developed to address real world blind source separation (BSS) problems and proven to have good performances in previous papers. This thesis reported the implementation of a comprehensive software CAM-Java, which contains three different CAM based algorithms, CAM compartment modeling (CAM-CM), CAM non-negative independent component analysis (CAM-nICA), and CAM non-negative well-grounded component analysis (CAM-nWCA). The implementation works include: translation of MATLAB coded algorithms to open-sourced R alternatives. As well as building a user friendly graphic user interface (GUI) to integrate three algorithms together, which is accomplished by adopting Java Swing API.In order to combine R and Java coded modules, an open-sourced project RCaller is used to handle the establishment of low level connection between R and Java environment. In addition, specific R scripts and Java classes are also implemented to accomplish the tasks of passing parameters and input data from Java to R, run R scripts in Java environment, read R results back to Java, display R generated figures, and so on. Furthermore, system stream redirection and multi-threads techniques are used to build a simple R messages displaying window in Java built GUI.The final version of the software runs smoothly and stable, and the CAM-CM results on both simulated and real DCE-MRI data are quite close to the original MATLAB version algorithms. The whole GUI based open-sourced software is easy to use, and can be freely distributed among the communities. Technical details in both R and Java modules implementation are also discussed, which presents some good examples of how to develop software with both complicate and up to date algorithms, as well as decent and user friendly GUI in the scientific or engineering research fields.
  • Emanuel Gonçalves, Julio Saez-Rodriguez. Cyrface: An interface from Cytoscape to R that provides a user interface to R packages, F1000Research 2013, 2:192 Last updated: 20 JAN 2014,

Monday, June 9, 2014

WhatsApp update 2.11.238

WhatsApp, the mobile application that is widely used all around the world, is increasing its number of users with its new abilities, especially after Facebook had bought it.

After the last update, 2.11.238, the new WhatsApp has these properties:

  • Set alerts to show/hide/silent in group messages.
  • Slovene and Azerbaijan language support.
  • Removed bugs on voice messages.
  • Option for deleting additional files when deleting messages.
  • An icon with the number of unread messages on it added to main screen for Samsung devices.

New Documentation for RCaller

As a new documentation and brief introduction, the research paper "RCaller: A Software Library for Calling R from Java" has just been published in the scholarly journal "British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science".

The aim and the motivation underlying this paper is to give a brief introduction to RCaller, how to use it in relatively small projects by means of calling R scripts and commands from Java, generating plots and images, running commands online and converting and sending plain Java objects to R.

Other two important projects, rJava and Rserve, are compared to RCaller by means of time efficiency. As a result of this, it is shown that, rJava and Rserve outperforms the RCaller in time complexity, but RCaller seems to be easier to learn and requires less setting-up effort.

The paper is freely available for downloading at

and the author's page is .

Have a nice read!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Release: RCaller 2.3.0

New version of RCaller has just been uploaded in the Google Drive repository.

The new version includes basic bug fixes, new test files and speed enhancements.

XML file structure is now smaller in size and this makes RCaller a little bit faster than the older versions.

The most important issue in this release is the method

public int[] getDimensions(String name)

which reports the dimensions of a given object with 'name'. Here is an example:

int n = 21;
        int m = 23;
        double[][] data = new double[n][m];
        for (int i=0;i<data.length;i++){
            for (int j=0;j<data[0].length;j++){
                data[i][j] = Math.random();
        RCaller caller = new RCaller();
        RCode code = new RCode();
        code.addDoubleMatrix("x", data);
        int[] mydim = caller.getParser().getDimensions("x");
        Assert.assertEquals(n, mydim[0]);
        Assert.assertEquals(m, mydim[1]);

In the code above, a matrix with dimensions 21 and 23 is passed to R and got back to Java. The variable mydim holds the number of rows and columns and they are as expected as 21 and 23.

Please use the download link

to access compiled jar files of RCaller.

Good luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Only Numeric Values ​​in Form Fields With JavaScript

Hi everyone! 

We use form fields almost in every web project. This fields often are different. For example, password field's type is password, text's type textfield. If you want users to sign up, you should develop e-mail fields on it. so, you have to confirm values of e-mail fields. In this article, we will create a textfield for only numeric values.
First, we create HTML form:

input name="" type="text" onChange="isNumeric(this)"

The code given above is a textfield in the HTML file. As you have seen, there is a onChange function, isNumeric. Let's do this JavaScript function:
function isNumeric(v) {
    var isNum = /^[0-9-'.']*$/;
    if (!isNum.test(v.value)) {
        alert('Only Numeric Values Dude!');
        v.value = v.value.replace(/[^0-9-'.']/g,"");

When you run this page, you will see an alert on the screen if you write some string values.